Further support details for NHS Dental Services

Category: COVID-19Healthcare - Posted On: Mar 31 2020

Following the initial announcement on 17th March, Chief Dental Officer, Tom Ferris, announced an amendment to further reassure and protect the NHS dental services.

In addition to the protection provided through capitation and continuing care payments, the funding package will now provide 80% of the average income from item of service and patient contribution. GDPA, reimbursement and commitment payments will continue to be paid.

Payments will be delivered through the March paid April schedule and will be subject to review after 30 June. The full details of the arrangement will be provided in a memorandum which will follow as soon as possible.

We are currently assessing whether mixed dental practices are in a position to make any claims under the Governments Job Retention Scheme. Once this has been clarified we will be in touch.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or to discuss your own circumstances please contact our Head of EQ Healthcare, Louise Grant at louise.grant@eqaccountants.co.uk