Greg Stapley


Senior Manager

  • Location
  • Glenrothes

Opportunities are given to those who would like to explore more specialist areas, such as audit and charities, and to make a contribution to our specialist teams in these areas.

Why did you make the move to EQ? What were you looking for?
I was impressed by the quality and variety of the client base at EQ, and the focus on becoming a “trusted advisor”. This allows time to be dedicated to getting to know our clients and servicing their needs, which suits my work ethos.

What were your apprehensions in moving to EQ? How have these been overcome?
My biggest apprehension was moving firm again, as I had worked in a variety of different roles within practice over the past few years. Being made to feel welcome from the very beginning by both fellow staff and clients has helped to overcome any initial fears I had.

How different do you think EQ is (to the practice you were in previously)?
My previous firm was a larger organisation that was continuing to grow rapidly through investment and acquisition. Although this was an exciting time for them, I feel that I work better in an organisation that is more close knit and not spread so wide across the country.

How do our working practices differ to the firm you were part of before?
With the majority of work I am involved in being audit related, there is not a significant difference between the two firms in terms of their drive towards providing a good quality audit service offering for clients, adding value where possible.

What are you involved in at EQ that you weren’t involved in before? i.e. work other than compliance
As in my previous role, I continue to be involved in various sector and other specialist teams, including our charity team and audit committee.

What opportunities have been available to you since you joined EQ?
Other than the sector and specialist teams above, I have been involved in the training and development of our trainees, as well as being given the opportunity to really get to know our clients. I have also recently joined the Fife Cheq of Commerce as a Director, and am enjoying my work as a part of their Board.

Can you tell us a little about the relationships you have established with your clients since you joined?
Being involved in the audit process from initial planning all the way through to completion and sign off means I am in direct contact with clients throughout. The firm have been very positive in allowing me additional time in my first year with dealing with clients to get to know them better. This has helped me to form strong relationships with them from the very start.

What three things you would say to someone interested in making a move to EQ?
Firstly, you will be given the opportunity to work on a wide range of clients from a variety of different sectors. Secondly, opportunities are given to those who would like to explore more specialist areas, such as audit and charities, and to make a contribution to our specialist teams in these areas. Finally, you will be joining a team of good people, who are always happy to provide support and guidance whenever you need it.